A few months ago I saw a letter format in reponse to potential DF'ing. I read it and thought it was great but never saved it - it looks like I will need it - sometime soon. Could someobody post the body of that letter format so I can give it to my lawyer and also, has anybody had success with the letter staving off any action by the JC such as annoiuncements?
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
Response to DF Action - Letter in Response
by Simon Morley ina few months ago i saw a letter format in reponse to potential df'ing.
i read it and thought it was great but never saved it - it looks like i will need it - sometime soon.
could someobody post the body of that letter format so i can give it to my lawyer and also, has anybody had success with the letter staving off any action by the jc such as annoiuncements?
Elders who step down for little or no reason?
by Truthexplorer inwithin the past decade, two elders stepped down in my old congregation.
actually one was taken off for commiting adultery and therefore reproved, but the other one simply stepped down for no apparent reason.
also, in another congregation i used to attend for a short time, i was shocked to hear of another elder stepping down, again for no apparent reason.. i am wondering if there has been an increase in the number of elders stepping down for no obvious reason and to see if this is a worrying trend causing alarm for the society.. i am thinking the past 10 years, particularly with the internet being available to so many people around the world today; but have you experienced many elders stepping down in your congregation or past congregation?
Simon Morley
There are those elders that go out on a limb day-in-day-out with sincerity of trying to be a "good elder", meanwhile there is the rest of the body along with their R&F fan club that are at the other end sawing the limb off...When confronted with a situation that was not scripturally based i had enough of the often virulent attacks. Plus I was getting sick of the R&F nutbars that chose to passively oppose you with their head down during your part, refusing to share in your Q &A. Then once you are off the platform they somehow come to life with br Ear Tickler and his "look at me", stupid jokes and elder billy bob bag o' groceries on the step stories.
After I stepped aside I had one of those R&F nutbars (a loopy loonies with the fake bipolar) come up to me and tell me how much she was shocked and surprised and asked what lead up to my decision as she and her husband were so sad....my answer..."you and your family - you robbed me of my joy"
No elder steps aside for little or no reason. it is that most do not accept their reasons for doing so.
Deleted Elders?
by Farkel ini knew about elders being "deleted" and have commented what a strange and pejorative term that is, but it wasn't until "wtwizard" and "designs" commented on another thread about it that it actually hit home for me.. one cannot step down as an elder with any dignity!
elder's can't quit, with the word "quit" being as in "he quit his job.
" elder's can't resign as in "he resigned as chairman of the board for xyz corp.".
Simon Morley
The correct announcement is "Br <> is no longer serving as an elder".
The use of "deleted" is self serving for those self righteous elders who have a point to make.
When a brother stepped aside for personal, family or health reasons I made sure as an elder and COBE that the congregation were "aware" by perhaps inviting the brother to close with prayer or asking the br who closed with prayer to mention the brothers years of faithful service and example.
JW Tall Tales
by lancelink inrecently i was cleaning my bookcase and found an old book that i enjoyed as a child.
it had stories in it such as paul bunyan, pecos bill, and john henry.
while these stories are fictional, i enjoyed them because they were entertaining, and easy to understand.. fast forward to the late 70's when i was a teenager sitting at the ca hall in janesville wisconsin.. the speaker was explaining the great sacrifice god made in sending his son down to earth to die for all mankind.
Simon Morley
yeah...tall tales like elder Billy Bob getting a load of groceries on his doorstep because he just turned down a promotion that would see him get more money or the pioneer getting money for a car......then we look at the horrors in Haiti where no doubt JW's ekeing out a meagre living are crushed to death, or Malawi sisters exposed to undescribable attrocities and indecencies. I never believed God was that arbitrary and I hated the tall stories for that reason.
Witch Hunt for Apostates
by koolaid-man inthe watchtower organization is very much aware of what is going on in their false religion.
too many witnesses no longer believe their teachings to be biblically correct.
an intensive effort to discover disloyalty, subversion, and those causing divisions is now taking place.
Simon Morley
For it to become a pandemic problem it would have to worldwide. Countries with less Internet and base education levels acccess will continue to grow. For it to be noticed the attrition rate would have to be obvious. For approx. every two baptized one JW "leaves" as an inactive, d'fd, da'd or death. So the numbers of batized would have to be considerably less than the attrition rate - which would have to increase, even above the natural death rate. So a ratio 1 one baptism to 3 attritions would no doubt be very visable in most congegrations.
Simon Morley
The good thing about Libel (written) vs slander (spoken) is the burden of proof rests with the plaintiff not the defendant. Thats why Celebs (and likely the GB) are loathed to go to court - they would have to prove you wrong, you do not have to prove you are right. I cn only be a lie if the panaintiff proves it is.
Why are gossip and slander tolerated in the congregation?
by hoser inwhy are gossip and slander tolerated?
is this part of the master plan to control the masses?.
Simon Morley
It was the sole reason for my slow fade. Elder goes to CO with some "gossip" CO and DO crap all over, prove it is not true, they say okay but told to keep quiet, no apology, ask what scriptural basis there is for an elder to go over the body and me to CO - none - I'm outta here!
Trying to get to the bottom of gossip and slander (which I have zero tolerance for) is like trying to herd cats. Reason: most elders breach confidentiality and their wives are amongst the worse in a cong for gossip.
Funny how they never seem to "know" who told them - "oh well, ya, know, people talk...." but when they see some R&F talking to a person of the opposite sex they can name names, time, date, location, weather, clothing, etc with stellar accuracy.
Were You Afraid To Talk Out Loud For Fear The Demons Might Hear You?
by minimus ini know of many witnesses that were petrified that if they spoke about something out loud, the demons.
i swear jws think the demons.
Simon Morley
I remember the days of our coming into the org. I heard more demon stories at get-togethers than anything else. At one point I had to cut off one elder with fat and grissle between his ears as he was scaring the kids. The demonized smurfs, sweater that would not burn, etc. All created an environment of fear - "well if a sweater would not burn imagine what would happen if I talked out loud?"
How long is a "generation"?
by cameo-d inthere seems to be so much controversy over defining what exactly a 'generation' is.. i have heard it said a generation is 25 years; some claim it is 40 years; and some even say 70 years.. i think the scriptures describe the 70 years as life expectancy, with mightiness 80 years or something like that.. i don't think it is accurate to define the length of generation as the same length of time as life expectancy, but i could be wrong.. .
anyway, i am wondering if anyone has ever done the math on this scriptural clue:.
matthew 1:17 so all the generations from abraham to david are fourteen generations; and from david until the carrying away into babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into babylon unto christ are fourteen generations.. if one follows the lineage and a date timeline, would this give more accurately the approximation of a generation?.
Simon Morley
Apologies for the small font in my last post!
How long is a "generation"?
by cameo-d inthere seems to be so much controversy over defining what exactly a 'generation' is.. i have heard it said a generation is 25 years; some claim it is 40 years; and some even say 70 years.. i think the scriptures describe the 70 years as life expectancy, with mightiness 80 years or something like that.. i don't think it is accurate to define the length of generation as the same length of time as life expectancy, but i could be wrong.. .
anyway, i am wondering if anyone has ever done the math on this scriptural clue:.
matthew 1:17 so all the generations from abraham to david are fourteen generations; and from david until the carrying away into babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into babylon unto christ are fourteen generations.. if one follows the lineage and a date timeline, would this give more accurately the approximation of a generation?.
Simon Morley
The bible does distinguish generations quite well, so I doubt Jesus had any problem when he spoke of generations as being singular entities. Interestingly it does discuss overlapping generations in such places as Gen 6:9 which speaks of Noah as having " proved himself faultless among his contemporaries". The footnote states "generations" - NOT the singular "generation"
It is highly probable that Noah was viewed this way by sons, brothers, peers, etc. which would form several generations, all ovrelapping. "This generation" at Matt 24:34 (and the other ten instances in Matthew alone) gave no indication of so called overlapping. This was proven true just three decades or so later with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE within the generation he spoke of - the apostlel John was one for sure who lived beyond it. If he was "evidently" wanting us to think of overlapping generations he could have used the term "contemporaries" or some other word quite easily - but he did not. he was and always will be speaking of the singular generation because we have evidence he was right.
Expect some back-peddling in future WT issues on the subject.